Year in Review I 1997
It might be 2020 but we’re taking a look back, way back, at 1997: A golden year of film, music, and important things.
George of the Jungle starring Brendan Fraser is released.
Instant straight to VHS classic. We haven’t seen anything this good since Fraser starred in Airheads with Steve Buscemi and Adam Sandler. Based on an “Incredible true story”, (claims ubiquitous Disney movie trailer narrator), two sweaty, bumbling poachers attempt to kidnap George’s best friend named “Ape” who is, unsurprisingly, a talking ape. Unforgettable moments include ripped Brendan Fraser dancing alone in women’s lingerie, uttering incomplete sentences, and saving the day.
Scientists Clone Dolly the Sheep
Finally! A sustainable, long-term solution to the nationwide sheep shortage. Mutton. It’s what’s for dinner.
Donald Trump talks with reporters about Alicia Machado's weight - as she sits next to him on a stationary bike.
When it comes to what women want, the Donald knows best. It’s all just been a massive, decades-long misunderstanding that women’s sole reason for existence is not to pose as purely sexual objects for the pleasure of a heterosexual male viewer. We all know that men- and specifically rich white ones - are really the ones who should be regulating women’s bodies.
Thousands of Americans line up at stores in hopes of snatching a limited edition Ty Princess Beanie Bear.
The only thing that could bring a nation out of mourning the premature death of an internationally adored and respected royal family member: collector’s items.
Nicholas Sparks publishes The Notebook. (along with 17 other POS paperbacks)
Romance gone awry, cancer, tragic backstories, bad-boy-turned-good and suspiciously similar book covers sell like hotcakes.
Hoobastank releases their highly anticipated first album, Muffins.
This band single-handedly revived impact font. Notable tracks include “Naked Jock Man” and “They sure don’t make basketball shorts like they used to.”
Pfizer's Lipitor began reducing cholesterol
New miracle drug hit the market, along with an open invitation to increase consumption of pasture-raised steak, organ meats and full-fat yogurt. Sparked nationwide rush on local deli counters as Jimmy Dean stock skyrockets.
Mattel releases 'Share-A-Smile Becky' Barbie doll, who is disabled and comes with a wheelchair; Barbie Dream House remains wheelchair inaccessible.
Let’s just take it one step at a time, okay? Change doesn’t happen overnight. Becky Friend of Barbie can still host playdates at her smaller, more accessible cardboard box house.